
Manual pressure cooker safely

On the market there are many types of pressure cookers with different features, each with a separate manual, so consumers need to read. To buy pot with clear origin, have high reliability of its famous warranty. When I first put the pot on the stove to cook over high heat, while boiling can adjust small fire. Depending on the type of food that have different cooking times, so follow the instructions of the manufacturer (cooking time from when a little escape, not from the pot on the stove). Cooking pot to wait for all the new exhaust opening, do not use cold water to the pot to cool down. So inclined person, not to his face, hands watching the pot when the lid, to avoid the heat load in the face causing burns.

When using do not complete the cooking of the food; Food cooking pot is just about 2/3. When cooked stew features should be lined to prevent blisters below the bottom of the pot stick feed. - Close the lid carefully, twist the cap right way to keep a lid closed, check the valve if it is not stuffy.

When placed on the stove in a large fire, when boiling can be adjusted return fire. Depending on the type of food that we cook with different cooking times, normally should follow the instructions in the book. Note cooking time begins from the time of exhaust valve and not from the north to the kitchen. Use an alarm clock to remind cooking time (the clock winding).

After cooking the North to wait until steam escapes out the newly opened door, carefully avoiding the heat flare burns. Do not use cold water to the pot to cool down. After using proper cleaning, do not use sandpaper or a sharpening stone scratching the pot. Me in Roan cleaning of rubber and the feed valve to stick to it.
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